[ Rs 15000.00 ] && [ Renews @ Rs 6000 / Year]
It allows to manage MARKSHEET of every students of class according to academic session.
Students Data Entry Installation is free for 1 year when you purchased the software .
It allows to manage SMS Facility for students OR anything else in the school
It allows to manage staff detail in school according to Academic Session
We can prepare each type of notices which has to give on account of any function or Events in the School.
It allows to manage Fees Status like ( Ist Installment / IInd Installment / IIIrd Installment ) for every students in school.
It allows to manage Documents like (Photo, Adharcard, TC , Previous Results) Status for every students in school
It allows to Export Student's Records in Exel Sheet according to Class OR Whole School's Students Data.
It allows to search any student's Releted Data ( SR, Name, Father Name etc.. ) of class according to academic session.
It show the Result Summary For Every Class after complited whole Examination according to Academic Session.
How Many Boys and Girls between < 5 to 22 AGE according to class can be managed for UDISE+ WEB PORTAL.
How Many Boys and Girls according to class and Minority Groups are studing in the School. It can be managed easily.
How Many Boys and Girls according to social category and class are studing in the School. It can be managed easily.
Summary Sheet ( SR - Stu. Name - F. Name - Mother's Name - DOB - Social Category - DOA - Mobile ) etc..
It allows to manage GREENSHEET / RESULT SHEET of every class according to academic session.
You will find a free individual website (Theme 2) for your school / institute with JDR School Handler Software.
It allows to manage Progress Report for every students between two dates OR according to subjects OR Full Report
It allows to manage Admit Card for every students before the Examination started.
What Time-Table will be held in the examination according to class. it can be managed very easily.
What Syllabus will be held in the examination according to class. it can be managed very easily.
If any student want to receive Character Certificate from school which is required anywhere. you can generate it.
Every Students who are passed from school can get thier T.C from the school.
It allows to manage I-Card of every students of class according to academic session.
It allows to manage ADD , EDIT, DELETE etc. records of Classwise Students according to Academic Session.
It allows to manage ADD , EDIT, DELETE etc. of each subject which is applied in class according to academic session.
It allows to manage all those classes according to academic session since the school was started.
It allows to manage all those academic sessions since the school was started. you can manage past data of school.
You will find 2 Email Account according to your school / institute's domain name as above.
You will find a Free individual Domain & Hosting for your school / institute for Running Website and Software.